I really love night shots, the lighting is so different from what we see in the day, and comes from more angles and sources than just the sky/sun. On this shot I liked the blue glow of the lower floor, and orange glow of the upper. The way it struck the grass in front is what really pulled me in.
Landspitali the official Icelandic hospital. I like the helicopter pad on the roof and all the glow coming out.
Was out biking to deliver my treats for Hveiti og Smjör and saw this crow perched atop a light pole. I like the gentle swoop of the lines, and harsh outline of the pole and bird against the soft clouds.
Tjordninn, one of my favorite photographic scenes, the pond behind the city hall. In this photo the lake had frozen, then only the top thawed, for a glassy perfect mirror surface. This was made from 4 photos stitched, each was a ten second exposure.
Another night shot. I loved the reflection in the puddle and leaning lightpole.
One of my favorite things about Reykjavik is the constant mountains in the background, reminding me of the nature all around.
The way the light hit Halgrimskirkja was only like this for maybe 5 minutes, and I so rarely see it from behind, I took this shot.
I always like scenes with two different lighting sources. The warm sunlight in the foreground, and dark foreboding rain clouds in the background made me like this shot.
The reflection from all the windows of the building behind me striking this one were enticing. I also like the door that opens to nothing.
Another long exposure stitch of tjordninn.
And one from during the day.