Tuesday, May 10, 2011

family shots with the x100

The X100 makes such a great family snapshot camera. It's small size means I can keep it around my neck all day. I'm on crutches for 6 weeks and even in this state I keep it on me. I definitely wouldn't bother with a larger camera. So many times I saw something my cousins would do that was cute, or a scene I wanted to remember about this delightful weekend, and all I had to do was lift the camera and snap. My mother in law brought her 40D+kit lens, and only brought it out a few times in comparison, and had a large bag that had to be found each time she wanted it.




Plus two from around the city. Every day I see something tiny that makes me want to grab. This one was the texture of these vertical boards. I knew I wanted it in B&W too.


And this one was the sun dappling on the mountain in the background plus the clouds.


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