Sunday, April 17, 2011

first portrait shoot

I never understood when people would say "XX-brand colors" in an image, because you can basically edit the photo to look however you like in post production, but there truly is some color difference in the images out of this X100, and I love it. They just look so much like it did in person, in a way I can't see out of my 5D. I really like it, and I know since I can't enumerate perfectly what it is, I might be written off as a crazy like I used to do to others, but I think there is something special in the way this sensor records colors.


Slightly mis-focused, but I love how dreamy it makes the image. I will have to remember to do this on purpose.


and finally here is a photo from 2 days ago, one of my favorite views of the city. I love the apartment blocks and the crazy church breaking the horizon line with the mountains behind.


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