Tuesday, April 12, 2011

silkypix intro

silkypix_introduction from Ben Mathis on Vimeo.

Recorded a silkypix video for those who are interested in diving in before Lightroom support is enabled.

Some of my photos from today. I use the camera in Aperture priority, with auto ISO, in Manual focus (I tap the AFL button to engage the autofocus) and just adjust the exposure compensation wheel as necessary. I love it because this is very fast, and I can operate with gloves on (a must in iceland).

This is a re-edit using Lightroom. I exported a flat 16-bit Tiff from silkypix, not letting it adjust anything, then did the real work in lightroom. I much prefer this edit.


  1. Hello Ben,

    Congratulations with your new camera.

    The sky in some pictures looks greenish. Is this the result of SillyPix?

    Greetings, Jan

  2. On which picture do you mean? And are you using a calibrated monitor? I cannot see any green tinted skies and I'm using a color calibrated monitor myself.

  3. Hmm.. that's strange. I use a calibrated NEC TFT Spectraview 2690. I mean the pictures: 3 (the statue) & 4.


  4. I hue shifted the blues to look more my personal taste, but I still don't see any greenish tint, sorry.

  5. The color differences are caused because the pictures: tjordninn, statue, reykjavik & landspitali, have no sRGB color profile!

